Highlights from Paris: Collaboration with Fédération de la Mode Circulaire

After 5 weeks, our circular fashion awareness campaign hosted in collaboration with Fédération de la Mode Circulaire, and curated by Aalto University, has successfully concluded.
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Participants learned about the environmental impact of the textile industry along with how to extend the life of clothes they no longer wear. Some of the popular activities included a clothing repair workshop, a swapping event, and a visit to a sorting centre.

Citizen engagement as a means to empower the shift towards a more circular textile industry is one of the focal areas of the T-REX Project.

Other news articles

  • Meet the consortium
21 November

T-REX Project consortium: Introducing CuRe Technology

13 major players from across the entire value chain came together in the T-REX Project to create a harmonised EU blueprint for closed loop sorting, and recycling of household textile waste. Continuing our series of consortium introductions, we are in conversation with Ramon Pragt, ​​R&D Engineer at CuRe Technology.